Saturday, March 5, 2011

Motivating Me

I'm not big on new year's resolutions. January is always cold and dreary - not really enticing me outdoors for exercise. Plus we usually have tons of holiday food and my nephew's birthday cake to keep us from diving into a "diet". Lent, by contrast, is a great time for new beginnings. Temperatures are warmer, spring is right around the corner, and (with the exception of spring break) there are no big festivities to derail us. Plus new year's resolutions have to last a whole year. Makes the 40 days of Lent seem a lot more doable!

I have finally lost all of the weight I put on during my pregnancy. Nursing our little one has kept me from restricting calories; so, I have had to rely on exercise and good choices in the things I eat. Not areas of strength for me. Being back to my pre-baby weight has inspired me to keep the weight off. That and the fact that Luke is mobile now. I'm going to need all the energy I can muster.

I have found motivation for a permanent lifestyle change in meeting a short term goal of my own and the need to have more energy. I'm glad these two things are coinciding with the start of Lent. I'll be spending time during Lent focusing on how to be the best me. I'm giving up unhealthy eating habits and carving out time for regular exercise.

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